June 26 - June 30
This week, I fine tuned the code for running the bogie. I put the steering code into the magnet interrupt so that the bogie will switch/steer itself right away, once the magnet is detected. For the future, the timing of the bogie running forward/reverse has to be calibrated for the track. Such that the bogie has enough time to go up the slope, reach the magnet, switch, go across the top track, reach the other magnet, switch, and go down the slope. Ideally, we would want the bogie to do everything without having to hardcode the delays for going to its positions. For example, we have the bogie moving forward for 10 seconds, and we hope it encounters the magnet once it's at the junction. Then it will switch and move backwards on the top track for 20 seconds, and etc.
Also, I soldered the low pass filters to a protoboard so we don't have to use a large breadboard anymore. The smaller protoboard makes the electronics neater and we can easily position the protoboard anywhere that's convenient for us. Next week, I will solder the hall effect sensor circuit to a small protoboard.
Currently, the 1/2 scale team is waiting for parts to be machined before we can start assembling the two bogies and running tests on the track with it.
I will continue to do improvements on the electronics and hopefully design/print a 3D printed case for them.
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